
Hi,My name is Hannah.I made this website because I am absolutely mad about Nick Rhodes-I love everything about him.I first fell in love with Nick when I saw Duran Duran`s Behind The Music back in 1999.As soon as I saw his gorgeous face,that was it,i had fallen for Nick Rhodes-

-The first image I saw of Nick(basically the image I fell in love with!)

Also I love Duran Duran`s music-I practically listen to them 24/7.I am a member of various Duran Duran and Nick websites.

I don`t really have much to say about myself-I live in Somerset in England.I enjoy waterskiing,speedboats,cars,Nick Rhodes and Duran Duran.

I am also related to Go West`s Peter Cox.

-This is me.

All I can say is I hope you enjoyed my website,I would love to hear your comments and if you have any suggestions for my website, Hannah.

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                "Nicky Angel"-My Website